Thursday, February 6, 2014

Frost Fair

I know, I know, three posts in as many days, what have I done with the real Bristol? But now that the donation drive is taking off like a rocket (thanks to everyone participating and spreading the word!) I figured I would sweeten the pot.  How about three new patterns? This is Frost Fair, three shawls inspired by winter, light and shade, and frost on the water.

The three shawls in Frost Fair (Har, Hrim, and Freosan) are available both individually and as an e-book, and you can find them on Ravelry here! You can also check out the lookbook in-depth on Issuu here.


  1. lovely shawls, great lookbook!

  2. Beautiful ! Bravo :)
    And what a good idea to donate for these organizations.

  3. What a lovely concept - patterns, writing, naming, all. Nicely done.

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