Thursday, July 21, 2011

Chartreuse Blues

Hi, my name is Bristol, and I have a problem. Specifically, a color problem. Here's a quick peek at my favorite necklace, my favorite tank top, and my two recent knitting projects in my favorite yarn:


(tank top from Target a million years ago, necklace from Folly 101 a million years ago, and Osprey in Honey and Tern in Kelp from Quince and Co.)

The bigger problem? Since taking this picture, I've bought another tank top and another shirt in this color. Someone help!


  1. I think you have too many enablers, including myself... besides, you can work it!

  2. @Aimee, let's be serious, I'd buy it even if I didn't have enablers. =) Y'all just make me feel better about buying it!

  3. Just saw your design on Twist Collective. Bravo! Bravo!

  4. Dear Bristol,
    I don't think that's a problem at all (glances quickly at laundry basket full of green clothes). At least you know what you like.
    PS: Well done on the vest pattern! Plus, I love Imperial Stock Ranch yarn, so it's good to see it in a beautiful pattern.

  5. @marthamarques, thank you! I'm still grinning about it. =)

  6. @Hannahcuv, that definitely makes me feel better! And thanks for your kind words on the vest. I'm excited to see where people take it!

  7. This was lovely thanks for sharing this
